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General Assembly



Combatting terrorism in relation to religious extremism

Religion is an important factor to the great majority of cultures around the globe and to many nations, it results impossible to integrate their governments without a specific cult. Unfortunately, an uncontrolled devotion to a religion has showed the world in many occasions that can be dangerous to society. Religious extremism is defined as the faith-based actions that lead to harm people to cause fear or to show power. These actions should not be tolerated by society since they represent a serious threat to security, health and general well-being. It is the duty of the United Nations to put and end to terrorist attacks and finally show that religion should bring peace, not war.

Security Council



Prevention and elimination of human trafficking and slavery.

Human trafficking is classified as one of the worst crimes known to man-kind; contrary to what many people believes, slavery has not been totally eradicated yet. It is present in hundreds of countries all around the world and in many different ways that go from work exploitation to sexual abuse. This issue is commonly close-related to under developed economic and social conditions that in many times are the reason why individuals commit these despicable crimes. Therefore, the problematic should be addressed as a menace to the human rights and must be treated as a topic of extreme relevance between nations to ensure no more victims.

Economic and Social Council



Eradication of corruption and deviation of economic resources in Latin America

Despite the huge amount of natural resources and economical growth potential existing in Latin American countries, there is a major reason why these countries take so many time to develop in an appropriate way and guarantee proper life conditions to their inhabitants and that is corruption. This is a crime that affects society in a direct way since the deviation of economic resources often blocks the creation of decent life conditions. If there is corruption in a government, then there is a social debt from the public sector to the society they are obligated to serve.

Crisis Committee

(Part of the General Assembly)

Crisis committees differ vastly from General Assembly and other more traditional MUN simulations; they are in many ways, far more dynamic.

In a Crisis Committee, delegates arrive without knowing the topic until the first session.

Unlike other types of committees, Crisis actually moves forward in time and can be affected by events that occur in the outside world. In sessions debate may be interrupted with important news or information. Wars may break out, natural disasters can occur, and scandals or corruption can be revealed. Delegates must be able to think quickly, for a single crisis may alter the course of the debate and create new problems that must be responded to immediately.

Futuristic Crisis

(Part of the Security Council)


Preventing the Global water shortage

Even though water is the most vital resource for any society to sustain life, studies performed year after year keep showing that approximately 1.1 billion people do not have access to fresh water and around 2.7 billion suffer water scarcity at least once a month. If the trend continuous like this, the damage can hit irreversible levels and human-kind could be in a type of danger never seen before. Water shortage is an issue that should concern to all people because when water runs out, diseases spread, economy falls and life as we know it just disappears. As a worldwide organization, all nations are expected to provide an efficient to proposal to solve a potential crisis of global water scarcity.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

(Part of the Security Council)


Addressing the alarming rise in drug abuse and production in Iran and South Asia

According to data presented by the IDPC, South Asia governments have established several strict rules in order to control the drug market in the region, on the other hand, there has been an increased production of opium, amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) and new psychoactive substances (NPS)  in the region of South Asia, which has climbed back to its highest levels since 2003. The region remains a major world centre for ATS and Opium production, which continues to grow in order to supply global demand. The eradication of illegal drug trafficking and production is of major importance for the UN as it represents a threat for international health and security

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

(Part of the General Assembly)


Venezuelan Refugee Crisis

According to reports from the United Nations, over 1.6 million Venezuelan citizens have left their country since the beginning of 2015 due to the present hyperinflation, humanitarian crisis and imploding economy in Venezuela . According to the United Nations’ refugee agency, around 5000 Venezuelans are leaving their country each day with the intention of arriving to the neighboring country Colombia, other Latin American countries and the United States, where more than 28,000 asylum petitions had been delivered. This humanitarian and migrant crisis most be attended as the economical growth and public services of migrant-receiving countries would be negatively affected and as the basic human rights of Venezuelan citizens are not being respected.

World Health Organization

(Part of the General Assembly)


Prevention and control of epidemic threats

Diseases are a constant risk factor that will always menace humanity. Many infections are so unpredictable and rare that in this exact moment, a terrible one could be growing inside contaminated water or livestock, putting into an imminent danger the people that surrounds the area. Science and technology have made over the years huge advancements in medical topics by many of them getting to actually cure fatal diseases that could easily spread. Nevertheless, when talking about viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic agents, it is really hard to state that a determined society is totally risk-free of suffering from a lethal infection. Therefore, countries of all around the world need to join forces and work as one to minimize as much as possible the risk of having an epidemy that could be lethal to thousands.

Organization for the Prohibition of

Chemical Weapons

(Part of the Security Council)


Prosecute and prevent chemical attacks on Middle East.

During the past years, Chemical-based Arms have retaken the spotlight in international current problematics The use of weapons is prohibited by international humanitarian law. It imports the presence of a valid military objective, and the effects of these weapons. In case the worst was to occur, without any system holding Chemical Weapon users accountable for their use and production, there would be chaos as to the agreements, management, creation, use and after effects of the chemicals and the arms forged from them In conclusion the success of this proposal will depend fully on the consent, responsibility, hard-work, encouragement and support of the OPCW and the global industries that conform it ,in order to achieve in a future an earth without Chemical Weapons in middle east


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